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Painted daisy? Trying to ID my mystery clearance plant.

Stand aside, Walter Mitty, I have a Sherlock Holmes fantasy going.

I picked this up yesterday, saying to myself, "ItÂs a daisy," but a quick google search gave me tons of plants called daisy, which have wildly different botanical names.

I think I have narrowed it down to painted daisy, (Pyrethrum, new name Tanacetum).

Tell me if IÂm way off. It has a dark green, finely divided leaf, almost Queen AnneÂs Lace like, but not as fine. A very pretty leaf, about 6 inches long and inch and half wide near the end. IÂve ruled out Marguerite, Bellis (English daisy) and all Gloriosas (rudbeckia).

I should be planting the thing instead, but itÂs cold and IÂd rather drink coffee.

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