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Overwintering Help Needed, Please!!

Hi everyone,

I've done searches/read on this subject but I have to admit, I'm in info overload right now and just want some straight answers on overwintering some plants. This is my first year with some of these, and I hate to lose them as they've done so well! Please, any and all advice is welcome as I spent far too much money on plants this year, and would love to be able to save some! LOL

Available Space:

1) Extra bedroom, west window (looks out to back yard), and north window (looks out to side of neighbor's house)

2) Basement (stays cooler than house, but entrance not blocked from main level, ie: no door to downstairs, just a stairwell.... W/D down there, so used frequently. Very small windows, but well-lit with flourescents.

3) Unheated Garage used for storage, very small window.

I need advice on what to do to overwinter these plants, and where to put them... I'm lost!



Tropical Hibiscus

Hosta (in a pot on the deck)

Canna (bought half-dead, but survived, is about 9-12" tall, in a pot)

Geranium (in a hanging basket, still blooming outside)

Also, can I take cuttings (I *do* know to do that, LOL) of the following to overwinter, and if so, what do I do with them? :)

Alternanthera Purple Knight

Sweet Potato vine (is this supposed to have a tuber?? Purchased in a pot, and never had one before)


Verbena (purple homestead)

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! :)


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