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Anyone heard of...

16 years ago

I am usually on the Daylily forum but popped over here to ask about a man named Leon Kresl of Omaha, Nebraska. He is a rose hybridizer, or used to be.


Comments (21)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Help-Me-Find does not list any rose breeders of that name.
    Which probably means that, if he bred roses, he did not register any of them.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the info.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Christine wrote:

    "I am usually on the Daylily forum but popped over here to ask about a man named Leon Kresl of Omaha, Nebraska."

    Hi Christine, why don't you give him a call, (phone and address below).


    Leon Kresl
    7618 GROVER ST
    OMAHA, NE 68124
    (402) 391-6588

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That seems a little unusual to post someone's address and phone number on a public forum. Was that info already publicly available?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Where else would have sandhill farms gotten it?
    A google search will turn up addresses and phone numbers as will
    You might want to check yourself sometime. There's not that much privacy out there.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Actually, I did check myself once, as part of a suggestion to remove such references to private information. Was a little shocking.

    But not all Google searches will turn up such info, and it's always better to play it safe than sorry, I think. That said, I really need to change my email address.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    amateur_expert wrote:

    "I am usually on the Daylily forum but popped over here to ask about a man named Leon Kresl of Omaha, Nebraska."

    sandhill_farms wrote:

    "Hi Christine, why don't you give him a call, (phone and address below)"

    greenhaven wrote:

    "That seems a little unusual to post someone's address and phone number on a public forum. Was that info already publicly available"

    About me:

    I have two acres and a home (60) miles N/E of Las Vegas Nevada. Part of it I'm using to grow vegetables, and part of it I've made in to what we affectionately call "our park." I've surrounded this park area with closely planted pine trees (in the front), and the other (3) sides are enclosed by oleanders (which grow well here in this heat). The purpose of all of this is for seclusion and to make a private area to relax. Inside this park are several shade trees which are still young. One half of it I will be planting in lawn, and the other I plan to make pathways around planting areas that will contain many roses and other colorful plants and bushes. In the center will be a gazeebo (sp?) so we can sit and enjoy both environments at the same time.

    My purpose in sharing this info with you is that I've been lurking around this forum trying to learn what I can about roses as I plan to plant quite a number of them in this large area (park). I was getting ready to start asking questions when I saw Christine's question. Now given the fact that I have a Law Enforcement and Investigative background, and take pride in my ability to find-out information, I felt I could help Christine with the information she was seeking, and did. I felt that being helpful would be a good introduction of myself to this forum.

    I personally have nothing to hide, (I'm in the phone book), and have no problem sharing a little about me on a forum such as this. I question those who hide behind pseudonym's and won't even share their names or email addresses, why are you hiding?

    Well apparently Mr. Kresl isn't worried about things like this, nor has nothing to hide because I was able to find-out information on him with my keyboard and mouse, something anyone with a little knowledge and ability could do.

    So greenhaven, (real name unknown), you can be rest assured I used no underhanded tactics or methods to find Mr. Kresl for Christine, nor was I sharing any top secret information on a "public forum." Given the knowledge and ability you "may" have been able to do it yourself, that is if you weren't so busy concerning yourself with the information I provided. Can I safely assume that you are one of the "self-appointed forum police?"

    I had hoped to be able to visit this forum and gain knowledge from you experienced people about growing roses but given my reception I may just find another web site for my information. Thats too bad because I really like the Garden Web forums on growing vegetables and the site in general.

    My name is Greg and I live in Overton Nevada. My email address is: So greenhaven, care to share anything about "yourself" or do you have something to hide?

    And BTW...From what I was able to find-out Mr. Kresl was (83) years old and I'm not sure how old the info was so hopefully he's still with us.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Let me be the first to welcome you to the Rose Forum. Your "park" plans sound fascinating. I hope we can be some help with your rose plans and that you will provide pics of your progress so that we may also enjoy your work-in-progress and your final results.

    I think you will find that this is generally a very friendly place. Hope to hear more from you in the future.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You should feel welcome here, but some folks are not as comfortable as you may be about the lack of privacy in the digital age.
    I suggest you hang around, ask some questions and continue to share your thoughts with us.
    Who knows you might become the official detective of the Rose Forum, but you will for sure learn from the folks who visit here.
    It's likely the best on the web, or so we like to think.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Greg there are software bots trolling sites just like this one for email addresses to send even more spam to--so people often hide their email addys in order to try to reduce spam. And to be honest, a lot of people post from work, and they don't exactly want to advertise that either.
    And women or seniors who live alone don't like to advertise that fact either, which is perfectly reasonable.

    This desire for some sort of privacy does nothing to reduce the value of the information that can be gleaned here. One can share valuable information and experience about roses yet remain anonymous, surely?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you very much for your welcome. I do intend to ask questions about growing roses as I have very little knowledge about them. I've been gardening for years but that's been strictly vegetables, although I'm sure much of the same methods apply to roses as well. I tend to lean towards using organic principles in growing my veggies, but am willing to use "some" chemicals for the park area as it's away from the vegetable garden. It seems as if a lot of rose growers here on this forum use Miracle Grow which I "will not" use but that's for another post. Also, another of my many passions is Outdoor/Landscape Photography so I will be more than happy to share photos.

    And one more thing so I can put this to rest and move on...

    When I first responded to Christine's post (above) I did so for the sole reason of being helpful. While I didn't expect anything in return, I certainly didn't expect (nor appreciate) to have my efforts questioned right off the bat.

    While I'm quite aware of the fact we live in a far more dangerous world than it used to be, and it goes without saying that we should be somewhat cautious, we shouldn't let fear dictate our lives IMO. We've become a nation of Paranoid Wimps, (especially since 9-11). We come home and lock and bolt the doors - seldom know the neighbors - are afraid to spank our kids when they screw-up - afraid to meet new people - are afraid of speaking our minds because we don't want to offend someone - go in to a panic attack because there's a gas explosion somewhere - and on and on and on. Hell the terrorists accomplished their goal and really don't have to do anything else. All this paranoia really bothers me so that's why I responded to greenhaven's post and again here.

    Me, (and especially me), understands the need for a little caution in life. Nothing I've shared about myself here anyone with a little intelligence couldn't easily find-out, and besides I'm not really concerned if they did. I'm not so high on myself that I feel anyone would care, and even if someone had ill intentions I pretty much have our bases covered. Bottom line I'm just not going to let fear rule my life because that's no way to live. I feel better, and I can move-on to the only reason I came to the Rose Forum - to learn about growing roses. I'm going out now in the early morning light and photographing the "Park" area which I'll post here later today. I'm hoping that some of you will be able to offer suggestions to the ideas that I already have for the area. I'll want to know about soil and I have a myriad of other questions, but that's for later. First things first....


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Let me also welcome you - I can't tell you how much I have learned over the past few years on this site. I am never sure about Web etiquette myself, so I don't tend to post much, (and I am also unfortunately extremely thin-skinned) but I think the amount of knowledge available here and freely shared is worth the occasional kerfuffle.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yeah, we want to hear moe about your park.
    You'd better hide your assets though, these people will shamelessly talk you into spending your hard earned money on an endless supply of Roses.
    Welcome and have fun.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome, Greg,

    Come on over to the Antique Rose forum, too.

    And if you are as lucky as I am, you will find a treasure trove of information at GW Forum/Nevada. I am amazed every day with the things I learn at GW/Florida. We have a VERY active and knowledgeable Florida group.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I also would like to welcome you. I am looking for information about watering. We are leaving sprinklers on for hours here. I think our temperatures are about as hot as Nevada, and if you happen to have some secrets about how to water, I would like to know. I have a thread going either here or on the Antique Roses Forum. I have almost 300 roses spread out, and am concerned that they are not getting enough water or I am wasting water by watering too deep.


    Also Organic gardening is a big topic for roses.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wish you a warm welcome as well, sunnyhill?, and fear I ask more questions than I'm able to answer because I'm still a novice when it comes to roses.

    Usually if it seems appropriate and as a courtesy, I try to transfer personal info I may on someone via email, just because I wouldn't like it if someone did it to me w/o my knowledge and would never give my permission, but I think the poster was only trying to be helpful.

    I've seen elsewhere where people whose motive is pure spite, get ahold of it and post it for the whole world to see, also do other nasty things with their personal info, best left unsaid.

    I tried to scrub all the personal info I could off the web, haven't listed my phone # for years B4 the internet came along, but still there are ways around it for people who know what to track and how because there is one hole I can't close without a huge hassle. Some of it got archived forever it seems when I was more naive about the internet and at first preferred the openness of using my real name but not any more.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Greenhaven, I thought your question was valid and certainly not inflammatory in the least. Virtually every web board I've ever posted on made it clear in their TOS that posting someone's private information is a violation. It doesn't matter to me whether Google does it. Many people don't realize their info along w/a map to thier house and their age is out there, so having it there is not necessarily an approval.

    Sandhill Farms, you seem very sensitive to innocent questions. It's nice that you're so open about your personal info, but it's also nice to be respectful of those with other points of view. Having said that (and trust me, that wasn't meant as an attack), welcome to the forum. It's a great group of people here.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, I didn't realize all this was going on, on this thread!

    First, sandhill farms, I had no clue you were new here, as I am very new, too, and there are lots and lots of fine folks in this forum. Regardless of how long I (or you) have been here I stand by my original statement. It was not meant to be an attack.

    I have nothing at all to hide. I am an adult female with no criminal record, or even a speeding ticket in over fifteen years. Still, my business is my business, and I reveal personal and private information only those those I choose, if I can help it. You having, as you stated, a background in law enforcement and investigation, is an asset to many. But because of that you know better than most folks that there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there who use such information for harm. The fact is, you don't know who lurks here waiting to pick up personal information about any of us to use to their advantage.

    I could say more, but I don;t want this to turn into a tirade. It most assuredly is not. One of the disadvantages of communicating in a forum situation is that folks cannot always gauge the tone a poster uses. Again, I say, I am not yelling. I am not mad, either, just moderately defensive.

    Welcome to the forum, I have learned a tremendous amount of knowledge about roses here.

    And I would relish the opportunity to see some of your photography. I, too, am an amateur photographer, and landscapes are my favorite.

    I hope you will be able to see past the idea that I was attacking you and understand the reason for my concern.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Greg, if you feel more comfortable asking questions in private now, you can e-mail me and if I don't know the answer, I have lots of contacts. No harm to me done here. I looked up an old BF yesterday. It's not our faults that the government doesn't protect us.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome Greg, I am new to gardenweb and I have gained alot of information about roses from reading posts. Sometimes I post and I receive wonderful positive responses. Just stick around I know you will learn alot about roses.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    In answer to your question about water, I primarily use drip systems for my vegetable gardens and I also use bubblers for everything else. Water is sacred around here, especially with the Southern Nevada Water Authority gobbling-up water from everywhere to support all the growth - golf courses and swimming pools. However, that's not for this forum and I won't get in to it.

    The drip system that I found to be the best, and will last for years and years, is called "Netafim." I've had some of it installed in my veggie gardens for over (6) years now it's still going strong, and it never clogs-up. I hope this helps. And BTW...I have no affiliation to the Netafim company.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Netafim Dip Irrigation Systems

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