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Rogue Valley striped mystery rose - Papageno??

Hi folks

I got 5 mystery roses from Rogue Valley, three of which looked like the same thornless climber, so I planted them all thinking they were Andenken an J. Diering. Much to my surprise, one of them bloomed and it was red and white stripes. Woo hoo! I'm excited, whichever one it turns out to be.

As usual, I went through and checked the Rogue Valley inventory to see what was still available that might be the mystery striped rose. It's clearly a modern, which rules out the striped Gallicas and such. It doesn't have any pink, which rules out Modern Times, and it doesn't have enough white to be Ferdinand Pichard. I'd love it if it were Hurdy Gurdy, but I think there are too many petals.

I have narrowed it down to Papageno and Moore's Striped Rugosa, I think. I have Papageno and the blooms look just right, but the lack of thorns is puzzling. The rugosa would be a better fit in that regard, but the leaves don't look particularly rugose to me. However, Moore's SR was in the free rose selections for this year, which adds to its chances, but I'd requested that as my free rose in an order and they'd run out of it. Any suggestions? Anything I'm missing?

Thanks as always for your help!


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