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No Digital Camera? Use your scanner!

18 years ago

Heya, well, since I just found out that I murdered my first AV, I thought I'd take some photos of it to remember it by. Too hard with the sun going down, so I scanned the leaves and blooms and it comes out with amazing detail! Thought I'd share with y'all who trade leaves and plants to save you the problem of trying to zoom in with a camera. These have been reduced to 1/4 their original size. Just scan with a towel over the scanner and you don't have to close the lid and smoosh whatever is on the glass.

minibot (off to save the leaves for propagation as this one was blooming *and* was rotted all the way to the baby leaves in the crown :-( ...don't overwater your AVs!! :-) thank goodness I saw the limp leaves as the blooms looked fine up until yesterday! And here I thought I was doing so well with my five year old AV which never bloomed for me until I paid it attention, now I've paid it too much attention!)



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