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Wheres a good source for DED resistant American elms in tubes

17 years ago

I was aware of DED resistant American elm selections for awile. But when I visited Brookings, SD, I was shocked to see a large number of very tall elms of great diameter. They were all over the place. This was the most abundant tree species in older properties. I could see no dying or sick elms during the months that I was there, and I was looking for them closely. DED had not become prevalent in that city yet. It was magnificent, like stepping back in time. (I will post pictures later). In contrast, our town has had DED for 15 years and the most elms are dying or dead. The row of elms a block from our house declined and died in the past 5 years.

Seeing all the healthy trees showed me what a truly wonderful species this species truly was. All trees I had seen were declining until then.

So that brings me my question

What is a reliable source for good-quality DED resistant American elm selections. "Princeton", "Valley Forge" and "New Harmony", and how adaptable are they to the climate of South Dakota? I want one of each, preferably in tube sizes, because we donÂt have the budget to ship a bigger tree for the next few years because we have other landscaping projects. We are in the native range of the species and they can clearly thrive here, but these selections are from kinder climates. Some sources only list these selections to zone 5.

Will they grow, and where can I get quality tube sizes?

