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Anyone purchased the "container gift roses" on Austin's website?

KnoxRose z7
9 years ago

Hi all, in my impatience to collect more Austins and to fill the new batch of large containers that I just scored at a very nice price ($15 a piece & they are huge, made out of tough yet lightweight plastic -woohoo! Thanks "Ollie's") I have been looking for 1 or more gallon size containers of Austins. I have contacted Roses Unlimited, and sadly they are out of all the ones I am searching for. I came across the section of David Austin's US website that sells 3 gallon container "gift roses". They don't have a huge variety available in that medium, but they have a few of the varieties that I seem to have trouble finding in my area, and for not that much more than I would pay for them at my local greenhouse. $35.95 a piece plus $12.50 each for shipping, & I pay $40 for container Austins at my local greenhouse, only $7 difference. Although, I am not exactly sure how the size compares. Has anyone ever purchased any of these? How do you feel about the value? Is it just a rip off? I know I can get them for much cheaper if I wait until bare root season, but right now it just seems so far away & I can't seem to find anywhere else I can purchase anything larger than a band of any of the following before next year:

(& I am aware that some of these are not on the "container gift list", these are just the main ones I'm hoping to find)

Lady Emma Hamilton
Jude the Obscure
Graham Thomas
Abraham Darby
Pat Austin

Thanks for any and all opinions and advice.


This post was edited by Dinglehopp3r on Thu, Jun 12, 14 at 18:54

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