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odd rose color question

16 years ago

Hi all, I am new here but I have an issue that I wanted to post about and see if anyone else had this happen to them. I have a lovely rose bush now in its 3rd season in my garden. I am not sure the specific kind but it has light pink blooms on long stems. Suddenly this season, I still have maybe 4-5 of the light pink blooms and about 85+ blooms of a completely different rose all with the same plant. The other roses are red but not on long stems. They seem to be in clusters of 4 or 5 buds on one stem. The leaves are different from the light pink also. I am just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and if it's due to nurseries making hybrid roses? any help or clues would be much appreciate!!!! (By the way, I have not planted a red bush at all so have no idea where this came from!!)

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