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Guy filled swimming pool with mulch eight feet thick

13 years ago

I met a gardener yesterday who rather than demolishing a swimming pool he no longer used decided to make it into a giant raised bed planter. He said he started with a layer of wood chip mulch and branches four feet thick and then covered it with a foot of dirt. He said it didn't stink. Then some busybody neighbor saw what he was doing and called the city. The yard police came and stopped him. Then the winter rains started and the pool filled with water which made it stink. He went to the city and said they were stopping his plan from working. He finally got them to give him permission to finish his project. He put another four foot layer of mulch on top and another foot of dirt. He made a well in the pile from which he could get hundreds of gallons of compost tea which resulted from rainwater filtering through the eight feet of mulch now turning into compost. He said the pile has settled unevenly so he will have to add more mulch, but in the meantime he says stuff grows huge in his giant raised bed.

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