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First order from Rogue Valley is great!

AnneCecilia z5 MI
16 years ago

I received my very first order ever from Rogue Valley Roses yesterday and I am so pleased! Shipped exactly when they said they would, the bands arrived in great shape - large and healthy - some even have buds. They were fresh and moist and wrapped very well, and there was even a rose photo thank you card tucked down in the bottom of the box, which was sweet. I got home late from a rose society board meeting but even though it was past my bedtime, I just had to unpack each and every rose and give them a little drink and admire them...and then I found it hard to fall asleep, just thinking about them, LOL. I really didn't want to go to work this morning - I wanted to stay home and play with my new roses! But, I dragged myself off to work like a good girl, so now that the work week is over, I can get back to important stuff - my roses! ;-) I got a couple of Paul Barden's roses and some ramblers: Incantation, Umbra, Errinerung an Brod, Inermis Morletii, Geschwind's Nordland Rose, Geschwind's Orden and Russelianna.

Now I'm going to go down in the basement and pot these babies up into larger containers so they can soon go out to enjoy a little of this light, cool spring rain we're having this weekend.

I'll be doing the HHRD all the way down the stairs - hope I don't trip, LOL!


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