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Rain Barrel Irrigation System Questions

14 years ago

Hello all,

I would like to build a rain barrel irrigation system for my mother this spring. She is a major green thumb with a very large garden (about 1/2 acre lot with large house remaining yard is about 1/3 flower beds trees and shrubs)We are located in central Alberta Canada where summer lasts from late may to early september. I know there is alot of discussions on this site on this topic but I'd really like some help as to what would be the most efficient system for her set up. Id like to build with 4 or more rain barrels tied together with an irrigation system tied throughout her garden so all she would have to do is open a valve or turn on a pump. I have researched different irrigation systems for this application such as drip watering or soaker hose but cannot get a diffinitive answer on what works the best. I know that I could find some inexpensive large barrels and the rest I would purchase locally or online. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I will try to answer any questions pertaining to the yard/garden that will help with your advice. Thanks!


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