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Otto's Rose Days

11 years ago

Yesterday Mom and I took a drive south to check out Otto and Son's Rose Days.

It was a beautiful sunny day to drive by the ocean from Santa Barbara to Ventura. We saw dolphins, something that I look for and usually see on the drive. But the real treat was whale watching from the hwy! They were close in to shore, just on the outside of the kelp beds, big puffs of spray up in the air and giant whale backs arching out of the water.

Mom walked one of the smaller fields with me before she got too tired and sat in the tent and listened to the speaker from Star Roses.

I picked up the Weeping China Doll Standard I have been debating for the front walk, a 1g Cl Cecile Brunner and a replacement for the mis-labeled rose from last year (it was sold accidentally a is tagged 2x with what it was supposed to be and not what it is-a rose they don't even sell from Austin)


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