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jackied164 z6 MA
15 years ago

I had a wonderful garden dream a couple of weeks ago. All the snow in the yard at my new house melted away and spring came and all of my new bulbs were flowering. What was most striking and beautiful was that the back yard was like a wildflower meadow. Some of it was the bulbs I actually did plant last fall but most was gaura. It was totally beautiful and the weird part is that I have never grown this plant. In fact I don't know anything about it and only realized it was gaura because the next night I was going through my Bluestone catalog. Anyway I am now obsessed with gaura and would love peoples thoughts about the plant and recommendations for which cultivars to grow. I would love to convert my backyard to a gaura wildflower meadow but think this would be not only expensive but maybe sublime for only about 2 weeks.

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