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Anyone bombarded with gardening club/magazine offers?

18 years ago

Just yesterday it was the "Fine Gardening" magazine offer. It looked pretty good, but they wanted almost $30 for a one year subscription! If it is worth that kind of money someone please let me know.

Then today it was the National Home Gardening Club with free seeds, and promises of free products to test, a magazine, a public garden directory,etc. ... ALL for $12 per year! This sounds tempting too! Anyone currently a member?

I only have so many gardening dollars, and I would like to spend most of them on actual garden products...such as plants or seeds. However, if someone out there can tell me if either of these offers are reaaaallly worth the money, I would be willing to sign up.

It is no coincidence that these things are showing up in the mail when it is 10 degrees outside, and I can't plant anything yet, LOL!!!

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