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hot dry parking lot rose

sammy zone 7 Tulsa
16 years ago

At my church I have a little parking lot island that is my responsibility. Often to water I must hook up the hose from the church, put additional hoses on it to reach my island. Too many people leave on the water too long, so I must remember in advance to ask them to turn it on.

I have not had success with many plants in this island. It has a Bradford Pear in the center, and a crape myrtle on each side. Lantana does well, but gets to be expensive. Also the big plants do not arrive to our city until summer. Another "islander" has a couple of roses. I thought I would try them and see.

I have 11 Knock Outs and 3 Blushing Knock Outs. I am not impressed with them in my yard (and I would not transplant them to the Church), but do you know of any rose that would thrive in a hot dry location more than a Knock Out? I am considering Double Knock Outs.

I just want my island to look suitable, and would like to stop replacing plants each year. I have some shrubs that live, and some ground cover fir tree type things. I need color. Is there any rose that you can think of that might do better? I can and have driven up to the church and filled up lemonade containers, and watered by hand. That is ok for the roses, and then I wait to water the shrubs.


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