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Please advise a seed newbie

18 years ago

I bought a gajillion seeds and some of the biodomes. I looked at the germination requirements and it seems that most of them fall into one of four groups; near 70, near 50, pre-chill, and outdoors after frost.

The ones that germinate near 70, I put in my house under an east facing window. Not a lot of sun comes in and I am worried after seeing that post about when to move seedlings to sun. After they sprout in my house I move them to a greenhouse that is at my work, which is kept over 70 and can get much hotter during the day. They overhead water there and I take the domes off. Is this OK? Some things are not really sprouting so they are still at my house not getting much sun except for what comes in the window and what the bulbs in my dining room give off. Should I be letting the seeds germinate in the greenhouse even though the temps are way above 70 most of the time? Is it OK to overhead water once they are sprouted?

The ones that germinate around 50 I have put outside in biodomes. If it gets under 40 at night I'm bringing them in. Is that OK? They are in a location that is bright shade, no direct sun. Do they need more sun?

I haven't done anything with the seeds that say nothing about germination requirements and just say to direct sow after frost. Direct sowing isn't an option to me. They wouldn't get enough water and my beds are covered in mulch. If I unmulched a section for seeds then weeds would grow instead of seeds. Can I start these inside? What kind of environment would they need, greenhouse hot or inside dark?

Please let me know what, if anything, I am doing wrong.



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