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'sphag and bag' alternatives?

15 years ago


Haven't been contributing lately, as I've been too traumatized by what my orchids are doing to me (or, more accurately, what I've been doing to my orchids lol).

First of all, the problem with "leaf burn" on my Miltonia turned out to be fungus rot. Finally cottoned on to why all those yellowish-red areas were so damp!! Roots are now half rotten, as well. I carefully cut away all the rot and a bit of neighbouring healthy tissue and repotted once more. I have plenty of effective fungicides on hand, if I want to go that way. (The serious stuff, which requires a certain level of precaution whilst handling and disposing thereof). Haven't decided yet if the plant is worth saving.

However, my very first purchase (a phal noid) definitely is! After blooming all spring and early summer, it lost a few bottom leaves but produced a beautiful new one in June. THAT'S when I should have repotted! To cut a long story short - I do tend to waffle along - today I discovered that the potting medium had completely disintegrated and that there were no viable roots left! However, the plant has a healthy-looking crown and three green leaves. I had to perform emergency surgery and treatment.

Hence my question. I have to make do with what I can find locally. No sphagnum and no rooting hormone, as far as I can tell (at least, not for hobbyists). I will be able to get Ziplock bags on my next trip to the supermarket, though.

So, my temporary solution was to place the poor plant on a shallow bed of moistened fine bark in a deep transparent plastic container, with the lid slightly open. It is sitting on my desk, next to the computer, with a spray bottle of water by its side. That way, I can give it a squirt when there's no more condensation.

Is this enough? Anything else I can do?

I'm certainly learning from my mistakes. The medium I'm using has to be changed every year. I have just repotted the remainder of my phals, and caught some of them in the nick of time.

Many thanks,


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