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More Descanso Garden Roses and Companions (early June)

13 years ago

crossposted to rose gallery

Some roses are just starting to bloom at Descanso Gardens now, while others are on their way out. It was educational to see so many that were stunning a few weeks ago,... that now look not as great. But something can't be the same level of beautiful all the time, right?

It was also nice to see what types of companion plants they chose, some of which are blooming more NOW than they were a few weeks ago when most of the roses were at peak. A nice way to extend the season of the garden.

Some general shots and shots of companion plantings:




Does anyone know what these charming plants are?



More guara (I LOVE GUARA)


I liked this large daisy put in with the roses.


huge bank of guara backed with butterfly bushes



lamb's ear


detail on one of the harlequin butterfly bushes. They had several large butterfly bushes in the middle of some of the rose beds. Here it's in the old tea section with rosette delizy.




a large Swany Rose


carefree delight rose and others with gladiolas growing right out of the midst of them (love this!)


More Carefree Delight


Bishop Darlington


a bench so covered in roses that you can hardly see the arbor or the bench.



Hollyhocks among the roses


still really like Crocus Rose


a gorgeous bloom on Maman Cochet cl.


chinese foxglove with roses


a mix of yarrow and other things


What Francoise Juranville looks like later in it's bloom cycle


similar shot of Marchesa Boccella


and mme. Lauriole de Barny


Augutse Renoir, lovely when properly open... but so many of the buds looked kinda ick.


white eden





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