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Reunion report

17 years ago

Hi, just quickly dropping by to report on the high school reunion and the outfit I ended up wearing, as promised.

I did wear the dark green suit with the velvet top and satin pants. Hubby wore khaki pants with a button-down short-sleeved tropical-like shirt, untucked. We both fit in. Many women wore dressy pantsuits, some wore simple cotton outfits. One man wore a rugby shirt, some men wore sports jackets, and there were lots of short-sleeved shirts (like Hubby's) and casual pants.

This was a 50th reunion and dinner was outside in a patio with white lights strung through all the trees, which was beautiful. I have a mild cold so I was very happy I dressed for chilly weather and took the shawl to put around my shoulders (though I think whatever warmth I felt was just the placebo effect). The high school marching band marched into the patio in formation and played a few tunes. The DJ played 50s music to which we danced after dinner. The food was good, and the conversation with complete strangers (to me) was very enjoyable. All in all, it was a very nice evening.

The funniest line of the evening came from a man at our table, after he sat quietly observing the crowd for a while:

All these people look like my teachers.

That is, they don't look like the kids he saw in the yearbook before he went to the reunion. :-)


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