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Orchids that you can do without

13 years ago

I was inspired by a thread on another forum named 'detested orchids'. I'll use a more 'friendly' heading for this thread! Basically, we've had several threads talking about what your favourite genera or species are. Since it seems that most of us are trying to, or have tried at some point to scale down our collections, what are plants that are the first to go to the 'trade away' or 'give away' box? Are there any orchids that you find boring, uninspiring, or just plain ugly? Ever find yourself in a situation where a friend or relative is handing you a plant to resuscitate, and while on the outside your smiling, on the inside you're cringing? Please share!

(note - this is meant to be a lighthearted sharing of differences in aesthetic taste, rather than heavy handed bashing of any genera!)


I'll start. I find things with pouches generally a bit boring, with phrags > multifloral paphs > paphs. I'm not sure why, since I know growers who won't even glance at anything that is pouchless! Honestly, I've tried really hard to get interested, but it just hasn't taken. My eyes just kind of glass over at OS meetings when my friends start passionately discussing why something should be crossed with malipoense, or the wonders of paph bellatulum.

In addition, I don't care much for the oncidinae, particularly the yellow-brown ones. As someone else pointed out, maybe it's the similarity to spotted bananas...

And finally, anything that is too small to be seen without some sort of magnifying glass is not for me. If I spend a year trying to get a thing to bloom, I'd better darn well be able to see the silly thing when it does happen!

No offense intended to growers of paphs, oncidiums or little microscopic lepanthes of course. I'm sure lots of people find the angraecoids I grow colourless, bland, and boring!

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