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Lazyman, Nitron, or Aerify Liquid Aerator: Do any of these work?

16 years ago

Bestlawn recommends Nitron, and that's the reason I even started looking at these products -- her advice is fantabulistic. But, the main arguments I've seen against liquid aerator products (Lazyman, Nitron, Turf2Max, Aerify, etc.) are that they are just soap and/or beer with maybe some Adolph's Meat Tenderizer added to spice things up and that they don't work.

But, on the Lazyman website, it says it's not a wetting agent, surfactant, penetrant, polyacrlyamide or Ammonium Laureth Sulfate (that's fancy talk for soap -- I like them citified, big words). It even goes on to slam other products of its personified ilk that don't match its advanced formulation. Also, it says that Lazyman uses electrolytes, polymers, and molecular polarization to achieve its penetrating/loosening effect -- (Gatorade for grass, heh).

All of this sounds great, but does it work? I have my own mechanical aerator, but my soil is so tough, it fears only roundhouse kicks from Chuck Norris. So, anything I can use to effectively supplement what I'm already doing, I'm interested in trying. All opinions, welcome, as I'm close to placing an order.

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