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Lawn newbie questions - crabgrass, overseeding, etc....

15 years ago

HI, I have been reading lots of posts here and did a bunch of searches but still have a few questions.

I have crabgrass that is making me mad. I was out on the lawn earlier pulling it by hand and my hands are hurting:-)

The lawn that is infested with it was sod that was put down about 4 yrs ago. I do put down a pre-emergent for crabgrass in the spring but i still have it. I've tried a scotts product also and that didn't work (they were very gracious at Scotts and are sending me a full refund).

My questions are:

1. If I'm able to pull it all by hand it could take there anything I can spray that isn't poison on the enviornment that will kill this weed?

2. Do I need to aerate? If yes, Is there any other way besides renting a machine to do this?

3. How exactly do I "overseed" and do I do this to the entire lawn, not just the bald spots where I'm pulling up crabgrass?

Then there is another part to my front yard which is not sod and which does not have so much crabgrass. Should I aerate and overseed this too?

Then onto the back yard.

It is almost half weeds. I won't put down weedkiller because my dog is always in the yard and I don't want him to get the chemicals all over him. So, what can I do for the back yard that would help eliminate the weeds and make a greener healthier grass?

Thank you very much in advance for any advice you all have. (My back yard is 100' x 4').

p.s. I have no idea of what kind of grass I have.

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