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Wonder if organics leave my Florida sand before decomposition.

15 years ago

My amended Florida sand is black and lovely, but it's still sand two years later. To rescue my mostly leafless Old Garden Roses this summer I've resorted to Miracle Gro in the last 3 weeks, and they have responded with new growth, blooms and larger leaves. I have concluded that I've been starving them with organic feedings that are not frequent enough to offset the leaching of nutrients in my sandy, high heat, high moisture garden. And now I'm wondering if the Rose-Tone, cottonseed meal, milorganite and alfalfa even stay in the soil long enough to decompose. Are they washing through the garden before they can become water soluble nutrients which I understand is 3 weeks?

Is there any research on this subject? Florida summer, Florida sand, Florida rain versus organics. My rose beds are heavily amended and mulched with horse manure compost, oak leaves and pine straw. Looking for your opinions. I'm not into ideology. I'm into well foliated rose bushes and healthy earthworm-filled soil in an environment of sand and heavy rain/heat. Whatever works while not killing my microbes and earthworms is what I will do.

Thanks in advance.


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