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Journal, June 9 2007

16 years ago

I have a vague recollection of kissing my husband goodbye this morning. He left at 4:00 for a week of fishing in Canada with a buddy. I'm not much of a conversationalist at 4:00, so I hope I was charming enough that he'll miss me while he's gone.

We hadn't planned any travel this summer... but ended up going away for part of Memorial Day weekend, I was in CT last week, we're leaving for Panama when he gets back from Canada, and we decided to accept the invitation to his Uncle's surprise 80th birthday party in Martha's Vineyard at the end of July. So much for not traveling!

The birthday party was a triple-whammy-can't-say-no: We hardly ever see his family, so we can't say no to what invitations we get; you can't exactly put off seeing someone when they're in their 80's ("I'm busy! Catch you on your 90th!" doesn't work...); and who can say no to Martha's Vineyard?

Met a girlfriend downtown for breakfast. Ordered crab-cakes Benedict and cheese grits. Who'da'thunk you could get cheese grits in Wisconsin? Maybe the fact that it contains cheese merits it...

Then we walked around the farmer's market on the Capitol Square where I was determined to not buy any more plants... and only came home with 40-some, so that's pretty good. (For the record, they are all planted already... which means I don't really have a problem... nooooooo, not me! I can quit any time!)

I love the diversity of lifestyles at the farmers market: In a single glance, I saw Mennonites selling baked goods, Hmong immigrants selling produce, a woman wearing a Hijab next to a couple wearing NASCAR t-shirts waiting to pay for their goods, and a hippie dude riding a bicycle pulling a rickshaw around the square. The juxtaposition tickled me.

Today is gorgeous beyond reason, and now that I'm cooled off from my mini-planting spree, I think I will pour myself something cold and yummy and take my book out in my hammock beneath the shade trees, and sleep until it's time to go to the Jazz performance with my friends tonight.

I wish I could bottle summer up!

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