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17 years ago

Synonmyms for pause:

Break, breather,coffee break,cutoff,deadlock, delay,downtime, freeze,gap, gridlock,halt, happy hour,hesitation, hiatus,interim, interlude,intermisson,interval, lapse, layoff,let-up, lull,recess, rest period, stand still, stay, stillness, stopover,stoppage, suspension, time out.

They're kidding, right?

I'm pretty sure "happy hour" is my favorite on this list.

So why isn't it called meno-persistent-cruelty?

This is a joke, right?

After a nap I had to jump on one foot to get all the perspiration out of my ear. I'm sure now that swimmer's ear is a symptom of meno-(some man had to name this).

What am I going to do when it's 90 degrees outside and my head decides to heat up to 150 degrees?

Pause and go to happy hour? Take a coffee break? Have a romantic interlude?

Great googa mooga. I know, I can last for ten years. Don't remind me. I'm applying as much denial as I can muster up for a coping skill.


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