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A rather depressing thought

12 years ago

In just 51 days the days will be getting shorter. Wish I hadn't thought of that. Of course after June 21 the onions will begin bulbing so am trying to get every green leaf I can on the plants. Make food for the plant.

Am batching again for a few days. Leone's sister-in-law died. It truly was time, poor woman. She is better off now. But, both daughters came home and the three of them went about 400 miles from here. The daughters had some pretty fair mileage just to get here.

I suppose they thought I would starve on my own so there is beef and noodles and a large dish of Spanish bulgur in the refrigerator plus some blueberry strawberry ccrisp or is it cobbler. Don't know but it is sure good. Daughter #2 made an excellent flan while they were here the last couple of days. Haven't been big flan fans but this one was good. I have to work Leone's hours at the museum tomorrow and then work mine on Wednesday. Don't mind really enjoy it. The women should be back Thursday and both are going to stay another day with us before heading home.

Had a visitor at the museum last Friday from Faroe Islands. I knew it was up north somewhere but that all the information I had on it. They spoke very good English but it sounded a bit like they had a Scottish burr when they spoke. Will try to spell the name of the town they were from Skallshavn I think they wrote in the guest register. I found out a lot more about the Faroe Islands then they did about the Pony Express. There is an example of why I love this volunteer job. How many other people get to meet someone from the Faroe Islands?

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