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Discovered a fun new sport

17 years ago

Not quite sure what it's called... Bladejouring? Doggerblading? It involves a dog harness, the skijour tow rope, a helmet, wristguards, kneepads, elbow pads, a pair of rollerblades, and a minimally-hilly route in our neighborhood.

Izzy and I just got back from our fourth foray in the past week, and she is panting contentedly at my feet as I type. She does a doggy happy dance when she sees the harness, and even though we haven't worked on the Gee and Haw commands at all, she's pretty easy to steer by just jerking on the tow bar in the direction I want to go. I'll overlay the commands once I get a consistent response out of her.

She doesn't do much heavy pulling (I think I might weigh too much for just one dog to pull me on cross country skis) but she does get to pull a little, and gets to run at a pretty good clip.

I hadn't been on my blades in nearly ten years (my last outing was pretty disasterous) but I used to go with my whippet all the time... Except my whippet wouldn't pull me like Izzy will.

Whatever it's called, this is a really fun sport!


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