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My first VERY sick phal...

16 years ago

Hey everyone,

About three weeks ago I spied a really cute little Phal at the greenhouse of a hardware store and it seemed to follow me home. Two weeks after having it here, the sphag was still *very* wet, and was packed exteremely tightly- and the leaves were starting to wrinkle. Eep! So I went about repotting and found that it had only three small roots that weren't rotted (Yes, obviously I did't inspect this one very well before I bought it!). So I cut off the spike (which was gorgeous *sob*) and put it in some water and potted the what was left of the plant (4 small leaves and 3 roots) in a fresh sphag/bark mix with stones at the bottom for airflow and hoped for the best... Yesterday the bottom two leaves fell off. So now I have two dehydrated leaves and 3 little roots.

SO I got some rooting horomone and applied it to the base and put it in a plastic bag with the top still open a bit. This is more of a project for me than anything, I just want to see if I can bring it back (which will take ages, if it happens, I know)...

I've read the FAQ and done some research of my own, I guess I just want to know if anyone has any additional advice for me... I'd love to see new roots form in the coming weeks...


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