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White clovers infested lawn

11 years ago

Big portion of my back yard lawn is infested with white clovers. I planned to kill them all this summer and over-seed in the fall. However, there is a small vegi garden next to the lawn and I am really concerned about using chemicals. My house sits on a corner lot and the lawn in front yard and side yard is killing me. The lawn need so much watering that I can not possibly keep up. In the summer heat my lawn is all yellow. The big spruces trees are not helping the case of course. On the contrary, my back yard lawn is green, green , green! And I NEVER watered or fertilized. Not much weed problem either except of course the white clovers. So now I am not so sure about my plan. Should I turn my back yard into standard American lawn which will consume too much water and care. Or should I leave it alone. When the clovers flowered, it does scream "neglected lawn". And a friend commented how terrible my back yard looks with all these white dots all over.

What should I do?

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