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sand oh sand, what kind of sand... Austin area help

11 years ago

Backstory: I'm 12 months into a new home in the Austin area. Builder laid Bermuda 419, did an okay job and it has filled in well. Mid summer I bought a reel mower off craigslist. (Tru-Cut 20" / 7 blade for $350 + $150 in tune up sharpening. A decent deal if I say so myself). Cut lawn at probably 1" to 1.5" through late last summer with minimal to no fertilizing. The yard looks quite nice but I'm ready for the next level... One interesting note is bermuda in the back is already quite green, I mowed it last weekend. Bermuda in the front is still dormant, very little green. I've sent soil samples to A&M so I'm curious to see if soil is the main factor in that.

In comes 2013 plans and the Bermuda Bible and the fact that I want to take the yard to the next level. The yard is "okay" but does have small (1" to probably 3" bumps / ankle breakers ) all over the place. Corner lot, estimate about 6000 sqft of bermuda front and back. Similar to other folks on the boards I've had 2 landscape companies come quote leveling and most of them have no idea what I'm talking about. If anyone in the Austin / Cedar Park area know of a good company that can level bermuda please send me their info. Assuming I get no responses here are my questions:

Sand - I've read the boards and "builder" or "sharp" seem to be the recommendation but no one in the area calls it that.

I found "builder" but its "washed" which is apparently not good. I can also find "bank sand - unprocessed" and "masonry sand". The pictures all look quite similar and appear to be the heavier or more desnse sand. Suggestions, comments, ideas?

I'm nervous to tackle quite a large job myself but the lack of knowledge or fear of spending a couple thousand to have it done wrong are pushing me to do it myself. Any tips, tricks, etc. will help. With current rain and warm weather I'm guessing end of February / early March I'll tackle it. I'll post progress and pictures to the board when I start.


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