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Pothos, different variegations, direct sun, overwintering

What I've learned about Pothos since moving to AL... Being one of the most tolerant plants of low light conditions known to houseplant kind, Pothos seems to have earned a reputation for being unable to *handle* more light. One wouldn't want to take a plant from a dark corner and suddenly thrust it outside, but it can become acclimated to lots of direct sun, as in mine gets sun except from about 11-2. Who else has a Pothos getting a lot of sun?

It also survived outside all winter. Just called my Mom to make sure (I appropriated this plant from her this spring) and she said this plant spent the winter behind bushes (not deciduous,) against the outside wall of her garage. That would be east-facing. She says there was a mass of pots of ferns, palms, and this one pothos.) Covered with a sheet for a few weeks when it got in the teens at night for a few weeks. It wasn't pretty but it was alive. Your experiences?

{{gwi:101974}} I'm talking about is variegated with yellow. The plant I had previously for about 30 years was variegated with white. Unfortunately I managed to kill the cuttings I took to when I moved by letting all the water evaporate out of the bottles of water so I haven't had that plant to play with since moving here. So I wanted to clarify the experience above is in regard to the plant in the link, the one with yellow.

And naturally comes the question of whether one with white variegation would be as accepting of direct sun, and likely to overwinter in the same conditions. Your thoughts / experiences? Who has both? Please share any differences you've noticed.

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