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New idea for squirrel deterence

alan haigh
13 years ago

I was talking to the garden writer Lee Reich the other day and he mentioned that squirrels don't like to run through his unmowed grass to reach his peach trees.

It was a Eureka moment for me because his observation is corroberated by a lot of anecdotal evidence in sites I manage where owners insist on keeping areas around trees unmowed for the rustic meadow affect. These sites cause me lots of problems in terms of fungus and insect pressure but squirrels drop off the list of pests.

I solve a lot of the down side of this management approach by having a large swath under and outside of the trees mowed and the squirrels seem very reluctant to cross through stretches of tall "weeds" to reach the fruit. I don't think they like traveling where they can't use their excellent eye sight.

I realize that many of you don't have enough land to test this method but I'd like to hear from others who do and decide to try it.

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