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Ponytail palm training new owner

9 years ago

Hi everyone. I've been lurking on this great site for a while, reading the houseplant forum and always finding it very useful, so I thought it was time to take the plunge.

I could use your collective advice. I recently rescued a Ponytail Palm from the marked down table at my supermarket. It's in a short 6" pot, has 7 bulbous stems (one of which is entirely submerged and another of which is very small) and seems to be in pretty good shape. I trimmed off a bunch of brown tips (in some cases a third to half the leaf).

I've read a bit about the plant, but have a few questions about this specific individual. Any advice or comments gratefully received.

⢠Should I repot it? The bulbous stems are making the plastic pot bulge out near the top, but I think there are air pockets at the bottom since when I press there the plastic indents easily. If/when I repot it, should it be in a shallower pot i.e. how much depth does it need under the bulbous parts?

⢠Should I divide the bulbous roots? I like the sculptural look of a single, though I'd rather have one bushy plant than 7 skinny/sparse ones (for which I don't have the room anyway).

⢠Should I try to raise the submerged bulbous stem (caudex?). Will it suffer from being submerged as it is?

⢠Are those dry stringy things on the surface of the soil some of the plant's roots?

⢠I know it needs a very light hand with watering, but when I do water it, how do I do it? The water just flows off the top surface and down the sides.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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