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Potted fruit trees: quality money can't buy!!

As a recent post indicated fruit can be a lot of trouble especially in humid areas. But I've got a way to grow fruit of a quality money can't buy no way no how. You've got to grow it yourself. Here's how.

First put the trees in pots. Then protect them from rain, freezes, and most pests with a high tunnel or greenhouse. Or if your climate allows leave them outside.

Trees in pots don't always have better fruit but I've sure had some great fruit from pots over the years. This year 24 brix, very firm, and highly flavored Cot-N-Candy aprium. Much better than from the in-ground trees.

Am now harvesting Honey Fire nectarine that today ran 29-33 brix with a very rich flavor. You can't buy fruit like this boys and girls!!

Here's a picture of the Honey Fire, one of three trees in a 15 gallon pot and 12 pieces of sensational fruit.


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