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Sansevieria (snake plant) with buds

This plant needs a drink about every day, and I move these every day to "kill" the mimosa trunk stuck in the fence, so I can't believe I just noticed this today.



I have no idea what made it do this. The last time this bloomed it was 1999, I think, and this plant had spent the winter in a way-too-dark spot, as it did this past winter. A few weeks ago I gave it a little granulated fert on the soil surface, promised to repot it soon, and set the 2 pots of it in a fairly sunny spot. I did that because it blew off the porch while I was gone for a few days and didn't burn and I thought the shade from them might help me defeat the mimosa stump. They still don't look like they're burning, and here's a flower. I don't know which of these factors, or what possible combination contributed to this.

The dief sharing the pot used to be variegated and is now a boring plain green. I tried cutting it off to just get rid of it but it keeps growing back, so if it can survive in the mid-day sun, more power to it! I had originally put them together because I noticed both did better if I ignored them for about a month at a time.

Where they are now - over by the fence - at about 11 AM:


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