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Annuals/Perrenial as House Plants

13 years ago

Anyone ever try or succeeded growing annuals/perrenials as house plants?

Some are problems, Mite magnets, but others do well.

The common Spikes/Cordyline, purple, green and variegated, which is technically a Dracaena, make great plants.

Coleus, if given light and an airy room, has beautiful colors. It stands out amongst green plants.

Petunia seeds fell into my citrus plant. Although the Petunia was small, it had lovely, white, fragrant flowers.

Impatiens do well, but again needs an airy room. I prefer upright types.

Has anyone tried growing annual/perrenial, garden plants indoors? Toni

Comments (43)

  • kemistry
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am! I'm starting some sweet peas right now, i tried them last year but had to let them go because i felt burnt out during that time. But I'm starting them again this week.

    Last year i started some dwarf sunflowers and they were doing great. The cosmo was okay but they got leggy and I had to trash them because of powdery mildew - it was the regular kind but I think the dwarf variety would do better.

  • tapla (mid-Michigan, USDA z5b-6a)
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All houseplants commonly discussed on this forum are perennials, even the trees. A few herbs might be annuals or biennials (parsley), but not many grow things like marigolds, cleome, zinnia, poppy ..... as houseplants.

    The plants we refer to as 'houseplants' really aren't houseplants in a technical sense. They're outdoor plants selected for us to grow indoors because they happen to tolerate indoor cultural conditions better than other potential victims .... and they don't require a period of dormancy.

    Technically, Coleus, petunia, and Impatiens are also all perennials. We just treat them as annuals because they are tender in the lower numbered zones.

    I have had Coleus, snapdragon, Impatiens, lavender, thyme, oregano, santolina, rosemary, geranium/pelargonium, petunia (it was calibrachoa, actually), and probably dozens of other plants we so often treat as annuals, but are actually perennials, grow to be quite old indoors (in winter - outdoors in summer). I have santolina, peruvian myrtle, several rosemary, all older than 10 years indoors, and many of the other genera I mentioned above lived 5 years or longer indoors. It seems that the more herbaceous plants, like snapdragon, Coleus, Impatiens, geranium .... have a naturally shorter life span than some of the more woody counterparts I mentioned.


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    I will not plant annuals yet, I will not plant annuals yet


    Comments (11)
    Toooo Lateeee! As usual I have jumped the gun and dumped all kinds of annual seed packets out there and have tiny tender little plants sprouting all over. But I know a few will survive and become stronger early starts, and seeds to start over a cheep enough. Where oh where am I going to put all those monster geraniums I still have potted up, and all the potted items I have coming up. I lost all my "in the house" window space to a visiting two year old who thinks all indoor flower pots are her personal planting area. She has repotted so many things. If only I had half her speed I'd have all my work done around here in just a day or so. lol so all I have left is the tiny refuge space in the basement.
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  • gravyboots
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have a tough-as-nails white-flowering wax begonia given to me as housewarming present by a friend's Mother when I was 19, which was a long time ago.

    I had a grapefruit for some years that came from a sprouted seed in my fruit, but it mostly struggled indoors & didn't make it through a recent winter.

    There is a very good chance my next move will bring me to a house with an old-time glass enclosed front porch on the east side, which will be good I think, for geraniums, ivy & ferns.

    My Great Grandma Teeters was an avid gardener and I remember her small, glassed-in back porch with high counters covered in plants. I know she grew many "outdoor" perennials inside, but past geraniums, I don't know what they might have been...

  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kemistry. How long did it take your Sweet Peas to germinate?
    I believe you're correct. Dwarves do better indoors. I've sown Marigolds..the best growers are French Marigold, a mini form.
    Did your Sunflowers, flower? BTW, which sunflowers are smaller? How tall do they grow?
    BTW, I hope you're well this year.

    I've been on 'this forum' long enough to know what is and isn't discussed. In fact, I've been coming to The House Plant Forum longer than most others.
    I started this thread as a form of conversation, and an interest as to what others grow...if they happen to grow annuals 'AND' perrenials indoors.

    Gravy..grandma's have 'green thumbs.'
    Oh, I was going to ask how your Wax Begonia was doing, until I read the second part of your
    I have a pink-flowering Wax Begonia from last summer. They need a lot of light in's in an east window, not sufficient enough light, this winter, so it's doing poorly.

    Next time you feel like sowing citrus seeds, try lemons. They germinate faster than other citrus. 'I've tried several citrus seeds.' And honestly, lemon 'leaves' grown from store-bought fruit have more lemony scent than citrus nursery trees/bushes. It's ironic.
    One con growing citrus from seeds: thorns. Thorns are larger than some cactus. lol.
    Second con is, flowering and fruiting. Unless a citrus is grafted, fruiting may take 7-14 yrs. Still, citrus have very pretty foliage.

    Geraniums do best in direct sun. Ferns thrive in shade, and ivy prefers medium light. Ivy and ferns should do fine in an eastern exposure.
    I hope you find your dream house.
    Gravy, next spring when Geraniums are sold, buy one. They're easy-growing. I live in Il, so sunlight is lame in winter..If you have a room that is semi-cool, Geraniums will not only live, but flower..some flower year round. My Geraniums are grown as succulents. Very little water in winter.
    I want a house with a built in solarium. lol..

    Years ago, a good friend who is now in heaven gave me a plant book called, 'Starting from Scratch.' It details various store-bought fruits and beans. Germination to maturity. Great experiments, and informative for those starting out. Toni

  • kemistry
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    (Thanks Toni! :) )

    Sweet peas germinated very fast for me, i soaked them in water for 1 day and they would germinated within a week.

    The sunflower seeds were bought from Hirt's garden, they called it Dwarf Incredible Sunflower and yes they did flower. The plants grew to about 1 foot.

    The regular Cosmo did flower as well but were badly damaged by powdery mildew (from the lack of air circulation i guessed since they were grown in the Winter months and the windows were shut). I like cosmos, they look so graceful.

    Let's see. I did try early sunglow corn one time just for fun; they were growing in 1-gal pots so yes way underpotted but I managed to get an ear of corn from one plant.
    I also tried cherry tomatoes, basil, cilantro, lavender, and sensitive plant (the mimosa).

    I love yellow Marigolds! Though, my next seed-grown plant would probably be the Old fashioned vining Petunias since I read that they are very fragrant.

  • rhizo_1 (North AL) zone 7
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Toni, I'm pretty sure that we all know what you mean to be the subject of this post. And it's a good question! :-)

    I've been able to grow several annual or perennial plants in the home I'm in now. I have a little alcove in the dining room with 3 windows that face the south, south east, and south west respectively. Jealous? With all of that natural sunlight, it's a perfect spot for those kinds of plants.

    I have a pot of pretty wax begonias on the dining room table right now, as a matter of fact. That's Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum, and mine has green rather than bronze foliage. I've tried the bronze ones, but they need more light than I can provide without additional sources. Mine is pink, like yours.

    I love coleus, too. It's nice to have some color inside, I totally agree.

  • gravyboots
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My wax begonia has green foliage too - I've never tried the bronze ones... and thanks for the geranium info Toni, sounds like they might get a little leggy on the east side, but we'll see what happens :)

    I don't know if my avocado counts, but it was growing in the compost pile 2 springs ago. It never would have survived the winter outdoors. I also have several bay laurel/Oregon Myrtle seedlings going outside (and many nuts planted in the compost pile!) & hope to grow one as an indoor plant once they get a little more established.

  • greenman28 NorCal 7b/8a
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey, Gravy!
    I grow an Avocado as a houseplant, too.
    The new foliage is really nice this time of year.


  • gravyboots
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've checked out your Avocado thread a few times Josh; it's looking quite nice these days! I'm still fighting with mine to send out 2 branches instead of just one a the top... I guess if I keep lopping them off, it'll get the message someday!

    As for Al's comment, I was visiting La Paz, Mexico & was surprised to find the streets lined not with Maple & Sycamore (of course), but with Ficus Benjis! BIG ones! I also noticed they were not irrigated in any formal way, such as sprinklers, just growing out of dry, dusty dirt. Very few citrus trees on the streets; they were all in people's yards.

    Now I'm wondering how bamboo - maybe a dwarf variety, if there is one - might fare inside? On another trip, I found myself hiking through a bamboo forest & it was nearly twilight in there during mid-day, it was so densely packed! So bamboo might be tolerant of lower light conditions? But, maybe not so tolerant of low humidity? Hm. Also on the same trip (Maui), we saw HUGE Norfolk Pines (the size of mature Doug. Firs or Spruce), big sprawling clumps of Pandanus (they were SCARY!) and many types of philos & other Aroids growing wild in the woods - it was fascinating to recognize plants literally from home out in the wild!

    I bet primroses would do OK indoors too, maybe in a cooler room.... anyone do that? Or lilies?

  • greenman28 NorCal 7b/8a
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Keep on lopping it, and it'll branch eventually ;)
    Thanks for checking out the Avocado Thread, too.


  • scpearson
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My geranuims that I began outdoors 2 years ago, are wintering inside again here in Connecticut and just sent out a new flower this week. I also potted some ivy - two that were so pretty in a window box 2 years in a row came indoors in pots.
    I even put some English ivy in a pot (from the ground) and it is just beautiful. All plants are really outdoor "creatures" that we have brought indoors, if you think about it in that way. Some do better than others. I put two asparagus ferns and a Boston fern in the shower this week. They were getting a bit dry from being indoors and they relly perked up! My begonia is looking beautiful. It was a gift that lived for years in my office, under artificial light - now flowering in a north window, overlooking the snow filled driveway.
    Thank goodness so many plants do well indoors. I would really miss the greenery in the house during the barren winter months in New England. While I'm at it, I'm grateful to all the Garden Web members for all the advice and to keep my gardening frame of mind happy and active during this particularly cold winter spell.

  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Howdy. I forgot to mention Morning Glory..One favorite is 'Blue Dawn.' They grow year round or if kept cold in winter, die back, but resprout as early as mid-Feb.
    One other, Ornamental, I. 'Sweet Potato' variegata, and 'Blackie.'

    Kem. You've really grown a LOT of non-hardy to cold area plants, indoors.
    Cosmos are so pretty (leaves and flowers) and very delicate looking. Do their seeds need knicking?
    Corn on the, one cob is a real accomplishment.
    Did your 'cherry tomatoes' grow tomatoes? That'd be fun. Great idea.
    I like Hirt's Seed. Their seeds are fresh. Have you seen their Morning Glory, flowers? God, they're gorgeous.
    I've tried herbs, they don't like me. lol. They smell fresh, and can be used for cooking.
    Congrats on the Sunflower...
    What time of year did you sow seeds? Also, did you fertilize?

    Rhizo, THANK YOU, for understanding. You're a sweet-heart.
    And, yes, I'm green with envy. An alcove with three windows, facing southern exposures. Perfect light for sun-loving plants. Not to mention your climate. We were in GA, drove to AL. I'll tell you, I would love living there..People were super friendly, the weather was perfect. That day, 'March,' there was a hint of breeze, sweet smelling. Whichever plants were blooming, (we couldn't stay long, had lunch then headed back to GA) were very very fragrant.
    About your Begonia. Are there four, possibly more Begonia Semperflorens colors? You mentioned bronze. The three common colors sold here are, light green, dark green and purple, but no bronze..It sounds lovely.
    Now that you have more sun, which annual/perrenial did best? Flowered, fruit?
    Rhizo, thanks again.

    Gravy..what color flowers does your Begonia have? The bronze sounds nice, doesn't it?
    Place a Geranium as close to your window as possible..if cold air leaks, keep a few inches away. A little air leaks from our windows, but doesn't freeze or bother geraniums.
    Avocado's sure do count. Josh's/Greenman is doing great, last time he posted pics.
    Funny, 'cados and peanuts in your did peanut 'seeds?' end up in your compost?
    Please post how they do once inside. And how you care for them.

    Josh, please define

    Susan. You have an outdoor garden growing indoors, too.
    What's funny is, if you buy Asparagus Fern and Ivy as house plants, they charge four times more than buying from a garden center.
    I remember you posted a question about your Asparagus Fern a while back. So, it's still around and about..Good for you. Hopefully, it will flower and berry later in the year.
    Susan, yes, every plant is someone's, other countries/states, perrenials. Orchids, Ficus, Dracaenas, Palms, etc, are all perrenials. But I narrowed the 'Subject Posting' down assuming anyone who responded would know what I meant.
    It's too bad they don't want our Dandilions, Thistle and Chicken Weeds. We'd make a fortune. lol.

    Gravy, scary Pandanus? lol..Its thorns are pretty nasty, especially if you brushed against and stuck on a giant leaf. One reason I dislike repotting mine. It seems to reach out, pull me it its prickly lair. lol.
    Lucky you, seeing the world and different plants.

    I have to check the type. There is a Primrose that can be grown indoors..if you're willing, it takes effort and work.

    I've learned a lot...thanks for replying. There's some novel ideas. Toni

  • greenman28 NorCal 7b/8a
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey, Toni ;)
    "Josh, please define"
    - It's all in the Avocado Thread...lots of pics and descriptions.


  • moonwolf_gw
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Has anyone tried growing morning glories or moonflower vine indoors? I did start one moonflower seed indoors and it did rather well until the frost (left it outside since it likes it better out there). Dummy me knocked off the only flower bud it had :(.

    Brad AKA Moonwolf

  • gravyboots
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    oooh, or how about passionflower vines?! Do they need a dormancy period? I wonder if there's an evergreen clematis that would tolerate indoor conditions...

  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Josh, thanks. I Googled lopping, (to cut off a part, especially from a shrub or tree,) since you've added new pics, I'd like to see the size of your 'cado. It was doing great the last time you posted pics.

    Anyone who's interested in growing avocado, sneak a peek at Josh's/Greenman's thread on Avocados. Come spring, I plan on starting a 'cado in the ground.

    Brad, I have, 'Blue Dawn, Morning Glory' It's a larger vine, needs a trellis, but grows like a weed. It's at least 10 yr old.
    Hirt's sells smaller-vined MG's. Flowers are bi-color. Here's three minis. Picotee Blue: Purple inner, white edged. Candy Stripe: Purple and white stripes. Flying Saucer: Blue with white stripes.
    Sorry about your MG. Did you try rescuing the poor plant or was it in dire straits?
    Do you remember what type it was? Sometimes, 'depending on type,' after hit by frost, they return in spring.
    I'm in IL, z5. I planted MG seeds, outside, 'years ago,' around a light pole. Every spring/early summer, up pops new MG plants. I thought most were annuals that died after a freeze, but amazingly return every year???
    Here's a pic taken at night. I tried for red, white and true blue, but they're really purple.


  • jojosplants
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone!

    Brad, I've been tossing around the idea of moonvine in side. May give it a try this season.

    Keep threatening to grow jasmine around the living room windows too.

    Hubby is having nightmares of living in a jungle! LOL! Half the fun is keeping him guessing. ;-)

    I have plenty of seeds for moonvine, if you need any just yell. :-)

  • moonwolf_gw
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Toni and JoJo. I have plenty of moonvine seeds. I didn't bring it back inside because I didn't have room for it. They're easy enough to start from seed to grow every year. MGs do reseed easily (which is why I have some I harvested from my own vines this year, but I've never got a seedpod from a moonflower vine. By the time they bloom here, frost is more likely and I never get to see too many flowers when they do bloom.

    Brad AKA Moonwolf

  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Jojo...The white flowers in the pic are Moonvine blooms. They glow in the dark, lol.

    What type of Jasmine are you considering? Tell your hubby, 'I'm beautifying the house.' It works, lol.

    Brad, maybe you should sow MV seeds in pots five/seven weeks before planting time??? Save some seeds to plant directly in soil, in case something goes wrong. Knick the seed, soak, and pot up. This way, you'll be ahead of the game.

  • jojosplants
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm aware of the habits of moonvine. Have grown it for years.

  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jojo. I was talking to Brad.
    If you reread my post, you'll notice I wrote, 'Brad' before the explanation. Thank you, Toni

  • jojosplants
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I read what you had said to me as "grow" in the dark.

    I realize the rest was for Brad.


  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No, I said 'glow' in the dark..trying for humor. Apparently, it wasn't funny.

  • jojosplants
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have you ever started them indoors prior to planting time?
    I haven't but I know they grow pretty fast out in the yard.

    if you do start them indoors, you may need to provide some sort of support.
    These vines look for something to grab and climb pretty fast.


  • kemistry
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Toni -

    I don't remember what I did with the cosmo seeds, i probably did soak them.
    Yes I did get some cherry tomatoes but I grow them during the wrong season, Fall-Winter with not much sunlight so they didn't do that well; though it was an interesting experiment.
    Most were from Winter to early Spring, last year i went crazy with the seed-sowing, well I learned my lesson, lol.. I watered and fertilized regularly, which I probably shouldn't but I was a clueless newbie. GW has been a great resource, I learn so much on here.

    Did I mention, I have the tropical Magnolias? (Michelia figo and alba) They smell terrific!
    I grow everything indoor since I'm live in an apartment and I don't have any balcony (wish I do though).

    The tuberose from last year did really well and smelled heavenly, even better than the jasminum sambac in my option.
    I heard a lot about freesia and wondering what they smell like, I'm eyeing some bulbs on ebay at the moment.
    (I feel like I'm becoming a fragrance-chaser, lol. )

  • jojosplants
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've always had cosmos outside. They sprout real easy, i've never soaked them.

  • rhizo_1 (North AL) zone 7
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Toni, do you remember where you visited in Alabama? It varies greatly from the northern part of the state to the southern. BTW, we had 8-10 inches of snow here a couple of weeks ago. NOT fun for a southern location!

  • jane__ny
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great post, Toni.

    I had a sun-room, in my previous house and would carry some annuals over winter. It was very sunny and geraniums and petunia's would continue to grow...slowly. As the daylight increased, I'd get some flowers. Nice color inside.

    I love your photo with the MG and Moon Vine. I did the same this past summer and they were beautiful. I grew them in containers. Got huge flowers on the Moon Vine. I them grow along my deck railing. The vines intermingled and I had lots of flowers during the day and beautiful Moonflowers at night. Called it Sun & Moon.

    These are growing in a container. I doubt I could move them. They were both started from seed in June. The MG seed was unknown, given by a neighbor.

    When I had my sunroom, I grew many herbs indoors. Rosemary, thyme, cilantro (which reseeds), sage. I could carry them through winter and put them back out in Spring. I kept a large container of herbs by my kitchen door.

    I grow a Hibiscus inside during winter. It gets hit with spider mites when I first move it in but I get it controlled. Loses many leaves but starts to make new leaves as the sunlight increases. Loves being out all summer.
    I also grew Plumerias and had good success getting them to continue blooming indoors. They spent the summer outside and came in spending winter under a few lights to keep them going. They became too big and heavy, I drove them to Florida and my niece now grows them around her pool.

    Thanks for the thread, Toni, I love to see what others can grow inside the house. Gives one hope!

    In my next life, I'll have a greenhouse or move to a warmer climate.

    Sorry for any large photos, haven't figured out how to resize properly on Photobucket.

  • meyermike_1micha
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful pictures Jane and Toni.! I love the colors and the brightness of all those flowers. I am still trying to bloom my plumeria and having no success:-(, all 18 of them.

    I wish more would post pictures. What a break to come here from such a dismal winter, -13 by the ay to see such a nice thread. Thanks for starting this Toni.

    Maybe I can come up with a picture somewhere today.

    I do have a question? How warm do temps have to be in a room for geraniums to do well? I have my scented one in a very sunny window, but it is the only sunny window I have that can get very cold at night. I have readings of the 50's near there at night and 60's or sometimes warmer by day. It seems a few leaves are drying out here and there.

    Thanks you again.

  • jane__ny
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mike, I had luck with Plumies under CFL's in Jan/Feb. Kept the blooms opening. They had started blooming in Sept. when I had to bring them in. I left them in my windows until the light got too poor and moved them under light.

    I had geraniums in windows in my sunroom. They did not have supplemental light. They stayed green but did noting until the days started to lengthen. That room was quite cool - 50's. I got growth starting in late Feb. and my first flowers in March.

    I kept them dry. Humidity was low. You probably would get better growth if you used supplemented with lights. I didn't want to get so involved.

    I had some pretty varieties and wanted to see if I could keep them going long enough to go back out.


  • rhizo_1 (North AL) zone 7
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh my! The color on that plumaria is breathtaking.

  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kem..Well, even though you made a couple mistakes, you still managed freshly grown tomatoes. Can you imagine the number you would have if you had sown in spring?
    You're tempting
    Now that you know where you went wrong, next time you sow you'll be 10 steps a head.
    Nope, you didn't mention growing Michelia. Does yours bloom/fruit? If so, what type of care does it get? My Micchelia grows leaves, but no flower/fruit. I didn't know MF is a Magnolia..
    What type of bulbs are you eying? One time I bought various bulbs, placed in fridge..My family asked what I was planniing on cooking, I messed up big time, they all died.
    Oh yes, Tuberose is extremely fragrant. Do they die after flowering? What about multiplyiing?
    I pray you get your day have a balcony or enclosed porch with several windows, facing different directions. Or a house with a Solarium, whih is my wish. lol

    Rhizo, I don't remember the town. Our son was in boot camp/army @ FT. Benning, GA. We drove a couple miles, until we approached a sign that said, Alabama. What a difference between Ft. Benning and Al. We drove through town, stopped and had lunch, I believe Bonanza..The air was fresh, sweet and so clean. Considering the time of year, March, trees were alive, plants blooming. Large homes, many Victorians. So, let's say 50-30 miles from Ft Benning, GA. Any help? I'd move to AL in a heart beat.
    Rhizo, what was it like getting so much snow? Did everything close down? How many plows does the city/state have? Kiddies probably had a ball, while adults were

    Jane, my God, that Plumeria is the Best!!! All your plants are beautiful..
    What type of soil do you use for Plumerias? Plumes are lovely plants, and yours is fantastic. I tried a few, but they either froze or up and died..Plus mites..How do/did you over-winter Plumes?
    Jane you said, 'in your next life.' Don't give up. We don't know what holds the future. Are you looking for another place? Bet you miss the old house. Sorry.

    Mike, glad to see you. 18 Plumerias? You and Jane have to reveal your Plume secrets. BTW, any variegated Plumes? A seller on Ebay had one. I wanted it sooo bad, but figured it'd die. When you both have time, please help w/their needs...year
    Geraniums do best in cool temps; scented and fancy leaf types prefer a touch warmer. Warmer meaning, anything above 45F.
    Mike, I didn't know you grew Plums, too..your house is now an official jungle, lol. All you need are birds, crickets, and you'll feel you're living in a tropical paradise. WEll, artificial lighting helps, too.. :)
    Mike, yep, please post pics. You too have some true beauty's to offer...

  • jane__ny
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, Toni. Stay away from Plumerias. They get too big and heavy. They are true trees. Wait until you retire to Florida.

    Thanks, Rhizo they are pretty. They were little, leafless cuttings, about 4". Boy did they take off. Snow in Alabama? Wow, what a weird winter this has been all over.

    The Plumies go inside during winter and I'd store them in the basement. They would go dormant and lose their leaves. This year they started flowering so late in the summer, I stuck them in a window to see if I could keep the blooms.
    They continued to bloom. The flowers smelled like lemon. The whole house smelled of lemons. Every time someone walked in they'd say, 'Smells like lemonade in here.'

    They were easy to grow, bagged potting soil and lots of sun. Too heavy for me to move. That's why they went to a new home in Florida.


  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jane, how tall did your Plumerias get?

    I know a man who goes to Mexico every winter..actually, he was born there.
    He and I once talked about Plumerias..he said, while chuckling, Plumeria's grow like weeds in Mexico. When dormant, they resemble tall, dead sticks. lol
    He was amazed at their expense here in the states.

    You had to give your Plumes away? How terribly sad.

    Wait until I retire to Fl? I wish. lol

  • rhizo_1 (North AL) zone 7
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What was it like having so much snow, Toni? You should come down here and see for yourself. And bring your snow shovel with you....we don't have one. lol Schools were out for a week. Grocery stores couldn't restock their shelves, mail and newspapers went undelivered for a couple of days. But, yes, give Southerners a crapload of snow and they will have fun with it, that's for sure.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Snowmen, Alabama style

  • jane__ny
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Too cute! Around here, everyone is sick of it already. Haven't seen any snowmen for at least a month!

    I bet those funny snowmen melted by now,


  • meyermike_1micha
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rhizo! Just way too funny. Thanks for that as both my family and I got a good kick out of it.
    I wonder how long those snow men survived..?
    I think many here must feel you get Florida weather surrounded by palms..I did at once.

    Thanks for the for the plumeria and geranium info everyone.


  • rhizo_1 (North AL) zone 7
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All of those snowmen (and bears, cats, dogs, dinosaurs, etc.) stuck around for days. It stayed well below freezing here for over a week. Once it began to warm up, the carnage was everywhere! The heads began to roll, so to speak.

    Here is a link that might be useful: See what I mean?

  • meyermike_1micha
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That poor snow man at 413 Holmes street! lol

    I think I have had days like that too. Too funny Rhizo.

    You didn't by chance make one, did you? Kinda of makes you feel like a kid all over and the rarity of this chance happening


  • tommyr_gw Zone 6
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How about Vinca? Anyone try that indoors? I LOVE Vinca! I'll have to give it a shot, I'm sure it's possible.

  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rhizo, doesn't look like the Alabama we visited:) The snow-people are extremely creative, beautifully made!
    Were they built by people who live in AL? If so, it's even more amazing, considering snow is rare. They're very creative. BTW, are you in any of the pictures?

    Rhizo, I just looked at your, 'See What I Mean,' pictures.. The snow people are still holding up except for the last which look like he/she/it, lol, is bowing. Frosty the Snowman, story. lol

    BTW hi, Rhizo, Jane, Mike and Tommy.

    Tommy, Vinca would probably do well indoors..They don't need much humidity, however they need a lot of light, and fresh, circulating air. IMO, since they have thick leaves/stems, would do best grown as a succulent. This is a guess of course, but Vinca wouldn't be a bad idea. They have gorgeous flowers, too. Variegated w/flowers would be stunning. Toni

  • jane__ny
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How's this to get you through the winter? This orchid is super easy, flowers on every new growth and is very fragrant...smells like Chanel No 5.


    This is why I love orchids. I get flowers and beautiful smells all winter.


  • birdsnblooms
    Original Author
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jane...That is one Beautiful Orchid. I love the bi-color flowers. Do you it's species?

    You know what would be great? Various Orchids that bloomed throughout the year..Is that possible? Toni