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Black spots, white spots, on cantaloupe leaves

9 years ago

I finally got a day to plant the cantaloupe I bought 2 weeks ago and I notice there's white and black spots on the leaves. The black dots are tiny, less tan a pinhead; I'm assuming is some kind of mildew. I thought it was splatters of black paint wirst, dunno from what, but it's not. The white spots, I remember seeing before in a picture on the Internet but for the life of me I can't remember what it is or what to do about it. Neither can be rubbed off. I've been leaving them in sun for 8-12 hours, bringing them under cover when it storms, and watering at the base of the plants when dry.

Of the two, which looks the healthiest to plant?

Edit: The forum is shrinking the pics too small to see details, so here's some pics on photofucket. Clicky the pic to embiggen.




This post was edited by Raptor666 on Sat, Jun 21, 14 at 12:37

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