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This and That-Still learning-Share yours

Gardening is such an ongoing learning experience and recently I learned a couple of very interesting things I thought I would share. I'd then like everyone to share things they have learned, recent or not, that others might enjoy knowing too.

1. When planting Pink Dogwood seeds there is a 99.999% chance the resulting seedlings will be white. I read it a couple of places on line, but here is one source. How to Grow Flowering Dogwood Trees from Seed. I was disappointed to learn of this as a member was going to share some Pink Dogwood seeds with me...sigh

2. I recently saved seeds to a nice native,Silphium perfoliatum - Cup Plant The dried flower heads looked similar to so many flowers that have round heads. I pulled what I thought were the seeds from the center, discarding what looked like the outside petals. Later when checking its native range at the USDA site, I discovered my seeds did not look like the seeds shown there for Cup Plant. In searching a bit more I came across 4 year old post at the Seed Saving Forum. Cup Plant - Silphium perfoliatum Per that thread, apparently The seeds are located around the outside edge of the flower head. YIKES! I had saved only chaff, and discarded all the seeds. I had been working on seeds at the dining table, putting the discarded stems and chaff on a newspaper for handiness. I then was able to go through that stuff and salvage several of the actual Cup Plant seeds.

Who would have thought the seeds would be around the outside edges, unlike so many other similar looking bloom heads?

What common, or uncommon tidbits do you have to share? I'd love to hear them.

Sue...still learning

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