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Leaf problems on Blackberries, Currants, & Gooseberries?

13 years ago


Lately I've been having a struggle with my blackberry, currant, and gooseberry plants. The leaves all seem to be showing me that they need help, but I haven't been able to figure them out yet. Here are some photos and please shine some light on the issues I might be having. All plants are in Al's mix, with a layer of mulch, and watered only when the the finger test shows the first few inches are dry.

Blackberries (Browning all along the leaf edges and slowly working its way in):


Currants (Yellowing all along the leaf edges and slowly turning dry and brown, texture of the leaves seems thicker than before):


Gooseberries (Browning/redness along the leaf edges and slowly works its way in):


Any help would be greatly appreciated in hopes of getting some tasty fruit this year.

Thanks again,


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