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Rate these two 'organic' liquid fert choices

16 years ago

Hey JaG or Al, and anyone else who wants to share...

I've read the fertilizer post bunches of times know I just need to fish or cut bait... just stop thinking it through and just do it. But since I'm insisting on going this a less synthetic way I have been trying to figure out my options.

So, I've sort of narrowed my choices down to 2 liquid products. The Neptune's Harvest Fish/Seakelp combo is the first option.

THe second option is the Dr. Earth Liquid Formula Fertilizer, (OMRI certified) with balanced 3-3-3 ratios with chelated iron, shown here:

I don't have the package in front of me but it's chelated, has some mined stuff in there, and some organic blood or bone meal. But I like the fact that it's liquid and from a company I trust. But it's only 3-3-3, which I do know may not be enough N for citrus and my blueberries.

Would you choose one over the other, or both, alternating? I know Al has said he uses fish emulsion with his liquid ferts at the same time, but I don't know if I could use THESE two products simultaneously.

Now I just need to figure out which (or both) to buy and get them in the plant soon. My meyer is starting to show some signs of nitrogen deficiency (yellowing on the older leaves) which makes sense because it's been blooming and growing like crazy last month and sucking up water almost daily.

THANKS in advance for the help.


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