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Raised bed path edging by chain link

17 years ago


Not sure if this is the right forum to post in, but I figure alot of people here have raised beds so this is probably as good a place as any.

I'm doing lasagna garden (more or less) raised beds over lawn in an area outside a chain link fence. Inside the chain link is a lawn area off the patio for family and dogs. Now that I've completed my raised beds for the veggies, I'm working on the paths between the beds. I'm spritzing the edges outside the beds with Roundup, covering the lawn with a double thickness of cardboard and then landscape cloth. I'll probably put wood mulch over all. It just dawned on me today that I need to put some sort of barrier between the chainlink and the path. I want to prevent intrustion into the path from the lawn, but don't want to use the Roundup anywhere near the dogs. And I don't want the dogs trying to paw through the chain link to get at the wood mulch or having the wood mulch go into the lawn area. I'd like something like a flashing that I could pound a few inches into the ground to sever the "sub soil runners" in the grass and extend above soil next to the chain link about 8-12 inches. I don't want a sharp top edge and I don't know if flashing would be strong enough to pound into the soil a couple of inches. Any idea of what else I might use (or how I might modify flashing to make it more workable) without spending TOO much money? I'll probably end up needing about 100 LF.

THANKS! (and let me know if you think I should cross-post this on another forum)


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