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Quilty leaved unknown patio crack vollunteer?

Jay 6a Chicago
15 days ago

This is growing in between patio tiles. It doesn't resemble anything that's grown in the area. It doesn't match any Lamiaceae species that I grow. I've grown Ocimum tenuifolium in that area before, but I don't think it's Holy Basil? I thought perhaps burdock, but burdock leaf texture is not this rough, and burdock leaves seem wider? There is wild Stachys tenuifolia in the area, and the neighbor grows Stachys byzantina,(Lamb's Ears), but S. tenuifolia leaves are shaped differently, and S. byzantina leaves are thickly tomotose,(heavily hairy). It resembles Stachys monirei, but that's never been grown at the location.

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