Annie D. — how are you doing?
15 days ago
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Inspired by The Vivienne Files ... and thank you AnnieD!
Comments (56)The vivienne files has a lovely aqua and black capsule wardrobe, Maire cate! I am decidedly not a size zero, so you may well be Impressed at the number of garments in the bag :-) I am not a roller, I tried that method once or twice and it was a hot mess to get things out--- any time you want an item you have to completely unpack and repack. If I am staying in a hotel longer than one night I unpack almost completely, hanging everything and putting other things in drawers. But I usually use the packing cube thingies from Eagle Creek and ebags. I will use a medium or large zippered packing bag for all my slacks, another for all the tops, a small cylindrical one for undies and socks, another for scarves, etc. that way when I want a shirt I can just take that cube out and not disturb everything else. I put these cubes in drawers as is unless something would benefit for being hung up. Alternatively, if we are going on a trip requiring a lot of dressing up, I will pack complete outfits individually in those space bag thingies. That way I have not only the clothes, but the stockings, shoes, jewelry, any special underwear, etc. in one package. Those are the bags you ziplock and then roll it up to,squeeze all the air out, then unroll it to lie very flat. It's amazing how unwrinkled clothes are when packed in those space bags!...See More@ Annie D
Comments (10)Hmm, I remembered this thread because I have made this many years ago, but used a candied pecan on top. Annie may have her own method, but I also bought what I remember as Turkish apricots that were much more moist than the pieces of leather you sometimes find in the bulk dried fruit area. Posted by AnnieDeighnaugh (My Page) on Tue, May 20, 14 at 18:47 Don't know if you want to bother with 50 of them, but I just made one of my faves for a dinner party. Take a dried apricot, put a spot of mascarpone cheese on it and then a pecan half on top. They are so easy, look so fancy and taste so yummy....See MoreCrackpot Annie how you doing with Hurricane Dolly
Comments (2)I've been thinking about you also Annie! Let us know you are ok as soon as you can. We're praying for you!...See MoreHow many pounds of tomatoes do I need to make Annie's salsa?
Comments (3)Normally I'd say it is basically a pound per pint so 6-7 lbs. for one normal batch. But since they are frozen they will be soupy and will need to be drained more so I'd allow an extra lb per batch - 8 lbs. Of course that can also be affected by the type of tomato used and how much scooping of gel and seeds you do so it is a very rough estimate. Dave...See More- 14 days ago
- 12 days ago
- 11 days agolast modified: 10 days ago
- 10 days ago
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Annie Deighnaugh