Socks - Haha. Can You Identify?
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Can you help identify this type of orchid?
Comments (3)Haha. Thanks. I've had a phaleanopsis before-2 actually. Unfortunately, they didn't live. This one, though it was meant for my mom, I want to keep alive! The top flower is angled correctly. So, I must inform myself well and let it thrive! When the flowers drop ( seem to have a problem), do I leave the stem alone or do I cut it at above a node? I will research more. *determination*...See MoreDog chewed my chairs - can you identify this fabric?
Comments (11)I don't know about finding the fabric, but I know about chewed chairs! We had a Dalmation puppy. We crated him when we weren't home until he could be trusted. So, with the vet's recommended plan of attack, we left him alone for short periods of time. 2 minutes....5 minutes...then 10 minutes. We would actually get in the car and drive away because he watched through the window. In that short 10 minutes, he ate the skirt off our sofa (inc. nailing strips) pulled all clothes out of hamper and chewed socks, pants, shirts. And not my husband's stuff, just mine. Anyway, I believe that he was really mad that we left. And, I can just picture my other dog looking at him thinking *boy, are you gonna be in trouble*! Although I really hate crates, we had no choice. So, one day after locking him in, I guess I missed pushing the bottom tray into place. He pushed the crate bottom out of the way and ate the carpet. It was installed the day before. He was such a great, lovable dog! Just like Gracie....See MoreCan you help identify these paint colors?
Comments (3)I would take the picture to a real paint store and ask them to help (not HD). The local Sherwin Williams here also has all of the Benjamin Moore decks (under counter...hidden, haha)....See MoreCan you help me identify this plant please?
Comments (32)Sorry, palms are definitely not my area :-( A wild guess would be Washingtonia filifera .... I would suggest you start a new post for each plant you need an id for. People often skip long posts because they don't know there are new plants appearing. It looks from a brief skim as if a whole thread is about the first plant asked about. But keep them coming. It's a slow time on the Forum. The succulent in the sand is Carpobrotus edulis. Invasive in Europe, even as far as Cornwall....See More- last month
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