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I love bean sprouts and like to use fresh mung bean sprouts with some of my Chinese and SE Asian cooking as well as in ramen.

However, over the years, I have read various reports of their not being entirely safe because of the risk of E. coli (the bad species). Some reports have stated that even if you grow your own, the E. coli can be inside the seed itself.

This may be more concern with mung beans (Chinese style food beansprouts than with other varieties.

I would like to use mung bean sprouts more often and with less concern.

Over the years I have read a d sometimes saved various articles.

Can any of you shed science-based light on the safety concened surrounding eating raw mung bean sprouts? Thanks.

PS Grrrrr! Darn it, Houzz. Can you get programmers that understnd how to allow for reasonable cross-posting to, say, The Kitchen Table?

PS I had to post this separately and independently.

I know some software engineers, software architects and programmmers who could easily figure this out. Programming 101BEA SPROUT

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