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Reliable, high quality furniture brands - Arhaus, RH, Ethan Allen?

7 months ago

Hi there - we're working with several stores to furnish the first floor of our home (family, living, dining). We're very far down the path with Arhaus and love the style/design, but I'm getting cold feet as I've read just horrible reviews about their customer service, furniture not matching what's in the showroom, people imploring you to never buy from there, etc. I've also read that RH is made overseas and very overpriced for quality. Ethan Allen seems to have good recommendations on quality. My challenge is that I'd like to work with a single company so the home has a consistent feel, and also want to see things in a showroom (touch the tables, sit on the sofas). Has anyone had positive experiences with Arhaus or is this a recipe for disaster?

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