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Container gardening? Have you had success outdoors?

prairiemoon2 z6b MA
last month
last modified: last month

I am attempting to grow more in containers, simply because rabbits are driving us crazy. I'd like to get them off the ground high enough to be a deterrent to them. But I am never completely happy with the results I get from containers. I could almost say, I would hope for a container grown vegetable...tomato, etc? grow as well in a container as it does in the ground, but that is hardly the case. Quite a difference and not a good one.

I have good soil that I make an effort to keep improving in the garden, and I know you are not supposed to use it in containers, because of the heaviness and...? What other reasons? Drainage? I also don't like to buy commercial potting mixes, due to both, the expense, and most companies add too many ingredients that I avoid. So I make my own, mixing peat moss/perlite/compost. I did buy coir last year but haven't run out of peat moss yet, so I haven't tried it. I would have thought this would be ideal, but I'm just getting so-so results. Which is problaby due to the fact I keep trying to use organic fertilizer and I know it's just not enough. But I can't seem to find a product that I don't cringe to use. [g]

So, I'm wondering if there are any gardeners here, who went from having so-so results in container growing to excellent results and if so, what was the secret?

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