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How much can I stuff into this office

last month
last modified: last month

I amworking surrounded by boxes and stuff. It's time to build my office but this is a tough one because I need to accommodate a lot of stuff.

I need:

- my work desk

- 2 kids desks

- a desk for my sewing machine

- a spot for the printer and

- storage, storage, storage for all my craft stuff (yarn and cricut supplies and odds and ends)

- counter space for crafting

I've included a pic with some measurements on it. Our ceilings are 9'.


1. The windows are large and start at 23 inches from the floor so that whole wall is pretty much unuseable.

2. I only have 14 inches between the side walls and the windows so I can only do shallow cabinets.

I've been playing with different layouts and I'll share photos of the only way I can seem to make it work.

If anyone has any brilliant ideas, I'd love to hear them.


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