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Primary Bedroom Closet Design Feedback / Options

2 months ago


My wife and I are renovating our house, but we're stuck on what would be the optimal design for our primary bedroom closet. See first photo for a diagram of the space.

The way you enter the bedroom is from a hallway that has enough space for a 24" built-in closed closet system on the left, and to the right is where the walk-in closet will be. The walk-in room space is 100"x72".

We have 2 options on doing the walk-in closet (the space to the right). The main question is where the entrance-door should be placed. While each option has proposed closet layouts, these can change - we just need to know which door placement is better for the optimal use of the space.

Option 1 (photo 2): Create the entrance-door in the hallway/walkway

  • This was our initial plan. The design comes from a closet company we brought in, but we only showed them this option (we didn't consider Option 2 at the time).
  • The plan was to have 100" length as the main closet space, then to avoid dead corners, would leave open space (~10") before creating another closet section on the bottom. The top would have a 24" mirror (or could be bigger)
  • This feels more roomy than Option 2 below, but feels like an inefficient use of space.

Option 2 (photo 3): Create the entrance-door in the bedroom itself

  • This gives 2 lengths of 100" for closet, and we'd likely put a mirror at the end. We could make 1 side a bit shorter to add room for the steamer.
  • I know the door is overlapping with the closets, but I believe the closet cabinet itself is only 16" (but we'd need 22" because of the hanger and clothes distance). We could also pocket door.
  • This seems like we'd get better use of the closet space but the walkway in the middle feels narrow (since the closets will be ~22" deep * 2 on either side = 44". On a 72" width room, that leaves only about 28" of walkway in the middle, and doing and drawers seems like it would impede the space when pulled out).

Can I get everyone's thoughts/opinions on whether the door placement is better under Option 1 or Option 2?

The closet designs themselves can change, so don't necessarily judge based on that... we more just need to tell our framing guys which doorway to create.

Thanks everyone in advance!




Thanks all!

Option 1 - Entrance-door from the hallway/walkway
Option 2 - Entrance-door from the bedroom

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