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First Thanksgiving without spouse

5 months ago

This is about my sister. You might remember that Kevin and I went to out BIL's memorial service last August - Jack was almost 91, and so his passing was not unexpected, but now my sister is having to experience holidays without him, and apparently also without his family. We have nieces in Austin with whom she could spend holidays, I suppose, but it appears that they have not invited her, and so she is going to a potluck at her church (Unitarian) today.

She has an estranged son from her first husband, but he was diagnosed as a sociopath (or psychopath) as a child and has been nothing but trouble for her all his life. As an adult, he has been in and out of jail, and the last we heard, he was living on the streets in Waco. He is delusional and thinks he can heal people by laying his hands on them, or so I have heard. He is not violent (that I know of), but he is an incorrigible thief and has stolen quite a bit from our sister, which is one of the reasons she will no longer bail him out of jail or allow him to visit her. One Thanksgiving, he stole half a turkey (all of the leftovers) that I had spent hours preparing, and so we had no leftovers, which I was especially looking forward to having. Everyone else was just glad that he was gone, but I was mad.

Our sister retired from her law practice early this year in order to take care of her husband, who went into a memory care facility a few months before he passed. She seemed to be getting a fair amount of support from Jack's family at the memorial service, but I don't know if this has continued. Jack's first wife (the mother of his children) is still alive, and so Jack's family may no longer feel close ties to our sister. She is close to our nieces, but they both seem to be more drawn to their husbands' families for holidays - more so than to our brother Mike, who is their father.

Our sister is very much into the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays (like our mother was), and so I think this year might be especially difficult for her, partly because she just retired this year. I wonder if Kevin and I should encourage our nieces to try to include her this Christmas, as I think this will be a very lonely time for her. Or would it be better to talk to Mike about this? I did have a good visit with Mike in August at the memorial service, but he and I have never been close. We have never invited him to visit us in California, but both of his daughters have visited us here, although not his son.

What do you think we could do to help our sister through Christmas? I am open to suggestions, but I have no intentions of going back to Texas for holidays. We could invite her to Palm Springs, but I'm pretty sure she would decline. However, maybe the invitation alone would be some help. Kevin and I will be here for Christmas and New Year's instead of L.A.

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